Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Marketing Analysis Cutting Edge Marketing - 924 Words
Cutting Edge Marketing The goal of this paper is to show how a consumer makes decisions to purchase products, how they may be vulnerable with their decision making and how ethics of marketing to the vulnerable be considered in allowing advertisement. This will also clearly reflect the issues in marketing the persistence in our society today and that is seen in the data showing social and economic inequality, stereotyping being perpetuated in the media and incident in profiling. Yes, the consumer does have the desire to buy the lowest price product ever create any ethical dilemmas for a consumer. Furthermore, if the consumer worries about the ethical dilemmas. For example, Walmart has lost of customer because they have a bad reputation of treating their employees poorly. Especially companies that has taken their businesses to abroad. These get products that are made by people who are fairly paid and treated. There are people that will only buy locally grown fruits and vegetables to send messages to companies that do not pay a living wage. The biggest effect on companies that are unethical is the power of the buyer and the media. It is a huge issue to a portion of the community. Now there are people that do not care because it does not create for them an ethical dilemma. But the concern is growing and the media really likes to use it to create a story (Lowest price product ever creates any ethical dilemmas for a consumer? 2011, para. 4). But to have the desire for aShow MoreRelatedTerminal 5 ( Ht5 ) Child Care1508 Words  | 7 Pagesare necessary due to the learning development service offered solely to staff children and the transient nature of passengers children, hence isolating the dynamics at play, transient kids and permanent kids. Situation Analysis HT5 CC is a start up business. A detailed marketing effort and plan would be crucial in generating sales and aiding visibility. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Ethical And Environmental Issues Of International Marketing
Place: As understanding the long term objective we are going to set up plant in Dubai. So we will be able to introduce our own outlet. But if finance and political environment is not well then we can go for some franchising. This distribution channel will cost us less and provide us with a lot of profit. We will introduce our outlets in Abu Dahbi, SharJah, Al Ain, Fujairah, Al Khaimah. We will introduce our at least 30 outlets in those cities . Other companies have their outlet here. . (AC 3.4) Ethical and environmental issues in international marketing within Dubai: The following issues are the ethical and environmental issue of international marketing ion Dubai: Product related: The Hilfiger have to consider the production process in terms of pollution, Hilfiger need to consider the recycling and waste management product honesty another factor to be considered whether we are Hilfiger provide the product as per the advertisement. (Doole and Lowe, 1997) Price related: Price related ethical issue includes Price fixing decision, Price collusion related decisions etc. (Doole and Lowe, 1997) Promotion related: Promotion related ethical issue include the advertisement whether it is misleading or not. Process related: Process related ethical and environmental issue include the moral obligation of the multinational companies, employment related issues. If the company employee only the people of native country or discrimination of payment then it is aShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental Factors1151 Words  | 5 PagesEnvironmental factors can play a major part in a companys marketing plan. Environmental factors can include social, ecological, political, cultural, technological, and ethical issues. PepsiCo can face all these issues because they are a global company. Many of these issues can affect PepsiCos marketing plan even in different areas of the United States. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Business Writing SPG
Question: Discuss about the Business Writingfor SPG. Answer: Introduction Improving business sustainability is a core objective which many companies try to achieve (Amber, 2016). Attaining this objective is not always easy because proper strategies must be used. To improve the sustainable practices of a company, the management must identify what is to be achieved, the appropriate strategies of achieving it, and the various people or departments that must work together to achieve it. Although Sunselect property group (SPG) has established a successful product in Sydney, it cannot meet its goals without reputation. The management must struggle to build sustainability to ensure its reputation is established in the market. To succeed in its Greenfields development project, the company must make sure proper strategies of attaining sustainability are used, and the purpose of the project is communicated to all employees. The major advantage associated with sustainable building is cost saving and environmental conservation (Christophe, 2010). The various areas which this company can consider to improve its sustainability include; energy efficiency, water consumption and management, and waste management. Energy Efficiency Minimizing the amount of energy that companies waste is among the top strategies for improving companys image (Rusmin, 2012). The commitment to energy efficiency goes a long way with the current eco-conscious economy. Ensuring a company is energy efficient assist in attracting the right customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. Eliminating energy wastage can also play a role in providing financial resources that can lead to a sustainable income growth in this company. This company should aim at doing the same tasks while using less energy. This may mean minimizing the amount of energy needed to perform an activity like lighting, heating cooling and so on. Establishing energy efficiency in this company will require commitment at levels of management. Financial analysists have identified a core relationship between energy efficiency management and healthy stock and financial performance (Rusmin, 2012). Although achieving this efficiency may depend on several factors like the available resources, the companys perceptions towards risks and opportunities, and other factors, the step of attaining energy saving is rewarding. SPG can attain energy efficiency through various strategies. Some of these strategies include the use of renewable sources of energy like solar and wind. Although the initial cost of installing solar panel wind turbines may be higher, the cost of paying electricity bills from time to time is much higher The company can also consider using energy saving machines and making use of daylight. The management should ensure it uses devices that have been certified to be energy saving and also switch off the bulbs during the day (Joyce, 2015). The management should also make sure the offices are well ventilated to minimize excessive use of cooling fans and other air regulating gadgets. Water Consumption andManagement Water is a fundamental resource for every company (Carlos, 2014). In the society where the demand for water is likely to exceed the supply, most of the companies are struggling to find the water that can sustain their business operations. This means for the companies that are lucky to have enough of it, must ensure it is conserved to avoid future problems. This company must ensure it aims at proper water consumption and management through establishing various strategies like installing meters on every production section. This will assist in finding out which section uses a lot of water and what can be done to minimize the usage. SPG can reduce its water consumption through various strategies. Some of these strategies include recycling, increasing internal reuse and modifying or replacing the existing equipment with water saving facilities to reduce the overall water consumption. Optimization of water in this company may be substantial because it will assist in reducing water withdrawals from the local water sources hence improving the resource availability and community relations (Petulia, 2016). It can also assist in minimizing the productivity per water input, wastewater discharge and its pollutant load, thermal energy consumption and potentially its processing cost. The company can also establish proper water management through educating its employees on how to optimize usage. This can include educating them about water scarcity issues and the effects of water conservation practices (Rusmin, 2012). Involving the employees in a problem-solving process to minimize usage can also assist them to understand the importance of using less to do more in the company. It can also attain its water management goals through setting up water conservation programs. WasteManagement Waste management involves all activities and actions needed to manage waste from its origin to its final disposal (Charmi, 2012). This includes various activities like collection, treatment, transportation, and its disposal together with monitoring and regulation. Proper management of waste in this organization can be one of the strategies that management can use to build reputation. Customers like associating themselves with companies that show environmental responsibility. This company can attract and improve customer loyalty through demonstrating its environmental responsibility through proper waste management. There are various ways that the company can use to manage its waste. Some of these ways include reducing the amount of waste generated during production (Rusmin, 2012). To achieve this, the company can focus on improving its efficiency through coming up with technology and practices that minimize the amount of waste released. Another strategy can be recycling. The company can attain waste management through processing products or components into changed form for a different application (Marianne, 2013). Recycling is the alternative to conventional waste disposal and assists in saving materials and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. Other strategies of waste management that SPG can use are, reusing, recovering, and remanufacturing. Conclusion SPG can realize better performance through improving its business sustainability. Its management should ensure it comes with proper strategies of improving its energy efficiency, water conservation, and waste management. Through attaining sustainability, it will be able to improve its cost saving, conserve the environment, and achieve a reputation. To succeed in its Greenfield development project, the CEO must ensure all levels of management plays a role. The CEO must also ensure employees must be taught the importance of the project, the various strategies to be used and the role they are expected to play to make the project successful References Amber, L. V. 2016. Sustainability: A Cross-Industry Study*,.Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship. 21(4), 78-90. Carlos. O. 2014. Corporate Water Strategies. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 30(2), 567-600. Charmi. S. 2012. Biomedical Waste Management: A Move towards Green Environment. Asia Pacific Journal of Management Entrepreneurship Research, 1(3), 37-56. Christophe, G. S. 2010. Integrating Sustainability Measures into Strategic Performance Measurement Systems: An Empirical Study. Management Accounting Quarterly, 11(3), 456-510. Joyce, S. J. 2015. Integrating Sustainability into Sme Strategy. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 25(2), 200-220. Marianne. J. 2013. Sustainability and Integrated Reporting: Opportunities and Strategies for Small and Midsize Companies. Entrepreneurial Executive, 18(1), 45-67. Petulia. B. 2016. Management Behavior toward the Integration of Sustainability. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 81(3), 234-240. Rusmin, f. G. 2012. Legitimising Corporate Sustainability Reporting throughout the World. Australasian Accounting Business Finance Journal, 6(2), 23-56.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Napster Essays (2076 words) - Metallica, Napster,
Napster The Napster Debate Essay written by ethan 1. Background The Napster software (, launched early in 1999, allows internet users to share and download MP3 files directly from any computer connected to the Napster network. The software is used by downloading a client program from the Napster site and then connecting to the network through this software, which allows sharing (uploading and downloading) of MP3 files between all users connected to the network. While Napster does not condone copyright infringement, there is no opportunity in the software to stop this, or for royalties to be paid to artists whose songs are being duplicated for free. Unlike similar file-sharing applications (Gnutella, Freenet), Napster limits users to uploading/downloading of MP3 files only. These files are compressed wave (.wav) files. The advantage of MP3 files is that they are approximately one-tenth the size of the corresponding .wav file and can be close-to-CD-quality. It is for this reason that many artists, record labels and other music industry stakeholders are concerned by the MP3 file format and applications like Napster that simplify the sharing of copyrighted material. Other file formats in common use on the Internet are not as threatening to the recording industry; primarily due to the reduced quality of the recording. Real audio (.ra, .rm) files have reduced sound quality (comparable to radio) and are usually streamed over a different protocol, allowing people to listen to songs without having (or being able) to download the source files. Another 'music' file format common on the internet is the midi format. These files are of no threat to the music industry because the files are not actually a recording of the music; rather a set of instructions to the computer as to what sounds to play (and there is no way to duplicate vocal tracks). This file format is also becoming outdated and being used less and less. 2. Impact The reaction from recording artists, record labels and other music industry players has been varied, but primarily anti-Napster. The first action to be taken against Napster was by the band Metallica. In April of this year, they sued Napster Inc for copyright infringement. The case was settled out of court when Napster agreed to ban some 300,000 users who had allegedly downloaded Metallica songs. Again in June Napster Inc was sued for copyright infringement by The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), a trade group representing the US recording industry, alleging Napster is? enabling and encouraging the illegal copying and distribution of copyrighted music. Napster claims that Audio Home Recording Act that permits copying of material for personal use, allows it's uses to swap MP3s. Napster further claims immunity by defining the company as an ISP under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The RIAA unsuccessfully applied to have an injunction to stop Napster's operations until after the court case in September, so Napster will continue to operate until (and if) the court rules against Napster. Other artists and record labels ( and have responded to the advent of Napster and similar applications in a more positive way, embracing the new technology rather than rejecting it. On their website, the Offspring says MP3 technology and programs such as Napster [are] a vital and necessary means to promote music and foster better relationships with our fans. Interestingly enough, the Offspring's last album, Americana, was made available online illegally before commercially released, yet it is the band's best-selling album to date. Furthermore, a number of surveys have proven that Napster users actually buy more CDs, after 'sampling' the songs online ( It is this issue that is at the core of the RIAA lawsuit, whether Napster and similar applications will mean reduced CD sales. Napster does challenge the traditional distribution of music (CDs, cass ettes, vinyl etc) but whether this should be viewed as a threat or simply a new medium to be exploited by the music industry is another issue. Some record labels, most notably Epitaph ( have partnered with sites like to sell full albums and single songs in MP3 format over the web. In this case, the record company has in fact gained a new distribution method, rather than seeing it as the 'enemy'. Of course, in this scenario,
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